The New Ham Kit created by Terry has been uploaded to the web site. It can be found on the resource page here.
SPARC Shirts
SPARC members can now order custom embroidered shirts with the SPARC logo and their call sign. The order form has all the details.
Utah Mesh Node Map
The Utah Mesh Node Map has been embedded in the SPARC web site. The new page has links to add nodes to the map as well as to modify existing links. Our hope is that this page will make it easier for SPARC members who are using and experimenting with mesh.
The non-embedded version of the Utah Mesh Node Map can always be found here.
SPARC Calendar
The SPARC calendar is now on the club web site. If you would like something added to the calendar send an e-mail to the club leadership.
Resources Page
A new resources page has been added to the site. This page contains materials that were presented during our monthly club meetings. If there is something you would like added to the resource page send our club leadership an e-mail.
The Signal Newsletter
The page that hosts the Signal newsletter has been improved. Now it is easier to find and read the newsletter. Hopefully it is easier for our trusty editor to update the newsletters too. You feedback on the new newsletter page is welcome. Enjoy!
Web Site Banner Contest
SPARC is looking for a banner image for the new web site. The current banner is the default for the theme we are using. Obviously, we can do better. If you have an image that we could use for the banner, please submit it to Brad Rupp, AC7BR. We will vote on the banner at the next club meeting. Banner images should be 2560 x 550 pixels.